Jerusalem Project

Impartial Conflict Resolution

The Concord Foundation’s engagement in impartial conflict resolution — anywhere in the world — focuses on intractable violent political conflict between groups with disturbed historic relationships using the three lenses of Politics, Psychology and Faith.


How A Community Understands And Organises Itself


How People In All Their Complexity Engage With Themselves And Other


How People Understand And Engage With Their Culture And Beliefs

Current Focus

Jerusalem’s Holy Places

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Wonderful to be back in Singapore - an extraordinary country with its delightful people and rich mosaic of religion, ethnicity, culture and history.


The International Advisory Board of the 3rd International Conference on Cohesive Societies had an excellent meeting with President Tharman discussing the conference theme and its importance for this remarkable city-state. What a thoughtful, engaging Head of State he is #ICCSSG

Friday was a professional 'red letter day'. Received my scroll of Honorary Fellowship from the President of The British Psychoanalytical Society, at a meeting at the Institute of Psychoanalysis. Mindful of the special honour of recognition by one's professional colleagues.

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