Our Approach

Engagement in impartial conflict resolution activities anywhere in the world.

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We focus on intractable conflict between groups with disturbed historic relationships.

The Concord Foundation uses the three lenses of Politics, Psychology and Faith to draw from those involved in the conflict, the material required to develop an understanding of the complex roots of that conflict.


How A Community Understands And Organises Itself


How People In All Their Complexity Engage With Themselves And Other


How People Understand And Engage With Their Culture And Beliefs

The Concord Foundation uses the analysis developed from engagement with those individuals and groups involved in intractable conflict to deepen their understanding, and that of others in their communities, of the depth and complexity of their conflict.  With this deeper understanding, TCF aims to facilitate engagement between those directly involved in the conflict as well as other interested observers.

•          Through this process TCF aims to facilitate the transformation of the disturbed historic relationships involved.

•          The Concord Foundation is committed to contributing to a deeper understanding of the complexity of conflict and its resolution.

•          TCF organises itself around a select group of skilled and experienced colleagues – a community of practice.  We facilitate the development of this group as a specialist resource.  Individuals from this group engage directly in conflict resolution and in the mentoring of a new generation.

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